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Henry knows what it’s like to be without reliable transportation and he takes your situation personally. Not having a reliable vehicle makes life way more difficult than it should be. That’s why people pay more for vehicles that still have warranty coverage, because you want that assurance that your vehicle is actually going to work the way it is supposed to.

But these big corporations don’t actually care about you. The more issues you have, the more money it costs the company in warranty repairs—so you’re an inconvenience to them. If they can avoid helping you, they usually will. We hear the same stories over and over again:

  • “They’re not even trying to fix it.”
  • “They’re waiting for a part. They have no idea when it will come in.”
  • “They can’t figure out what’s really causing the problem.”
  • “I don’t understand why they won’t just take it back and give me a new one.”

That’s why you need an attorney on your side, because these big companies don’t just roll over if you write them an angry letter. All they care about is avoiding lawsuits, and that’s why the Lemon Law forces the manufacturer to pay attorneys’ fees in addition to whatever you are entitled to.

Every day, we aggressively advocate and fight on behalf of consumers who find themselves unexpectedly pitted against these big, powerful companies. It doesn’t make any sense to try and handle it on your own when you can hire an experienced Lemon Law attorney for free and with absolutely no risk for any costs or fees.

Nobody asks for these types of issues, and you don’t deserve it. Don’t put up with it anymore! Call Henry and DROP THE HAMMER!