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When most people have a Lemon Law issue, before they call an attorney, they usually go to Google and try to figure it out themselves. But like most legal issues, it’s not that simple, and people get taken advantage of when they try to handle it on their own. That’s why the law allows you to hire a Lemon Law attorney for free, because you’re up against a billion-dollar company with an army of attorneys—and that’s not a fair fight.

Luckily, most Lemon Law claims can be settled relatively quickly without the need for a lawsuit. About 95% of our cases settle out of court in about 90 days or less. That’s because the law sets pretty clear standards for what qualifies a vehicle as a “lemon.”

Technically the law says you need four repair attempts for the same issue or thirty cumulative days in the repair shop, but one or the other works, so you don’t need both. The repairs also need to take place within the first two years or within the first 24,000 miles since original delivery, whichever comes first.

Don’t get discouraged if you’ve had a lot of repair issues but still don’t meet these standards, or even if you’re outside the Lemon Law time limits—you may still have a case. The beauty of the Lemon Law is that there’s not just a one-size-fits-all solution—there are different options if your vehicle qualifies. Under the statute, the manufacturer is supposed to either Replace or Repurchase your vehicle.

A Lemon Law Replacement is not a dealer trade! It’s much better financially for you, because you don’t get charged depreciation or a mileage fee. A Lemon Law Repurchase is a refund. You get back everything you paid minus a mileage fee. If neither of these options work for you, there is also the possibility for a cash settlement with you keeping the vehicle and the warranty.

That’s why you need an attorney on your side that will aggressively negotiate the best possible deal for you, not them! You need someone on your side who will actually fight to make sure you get what you deserve.

Don’t get taken advantage of twice. Call Henry and DROP THE HAMMER!